My coaching sessions

After several years of training in various areas of coaching, nutrition and health counseling and energy work, I am happy to accompany you holistically with your current issues with highly transformative online individual sessions. As there is a wealth of wonderful tools such as energy healing, soul book reading, aura reading, blockage release, dissolving beliefs and heart walls and many other possibilities, we will have a short conversation in advance to see what you need to come into your full power and live your highest potential.  

The holistic coaching
by Stefanie Arend

It is a gift for me to open doors for people so that they can follow their heart's path.

I have been highly sensitive myself since childhood and have so often wished for answers that no one could give me. This often made me feel like I was in the wrong place. My trainings opened up new worlds for me and suddenly everything started to make sense so that I could see my path with clarity and follow it. I would be delighted if you would place your trust in me and allow me to accompany you on your path. I will support you individually and let my clairvoyance guide me to develop the tools that make the most sense in your case. The coaching sessions can be booked now. Please click on the respective picture for more information.

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My coaching offers

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