Module 05

Yin Yoga, Trauma, Anxiety & Depression - With guest lecturer Dr. Angela Montenegro

In this module we address sensitive topics such as trauma, anxiety and depression, which can be wonderfully supported by Yin Yoga. Although it can be booked independently of the other parts, it is recommended to complete the Basic Module and Module 6 beforehand for a better understanding. With guest lecturer Dr. Angela Montenegro.

Contents of the training

  • 4 Yin Yoga sequences practice with parts from Qi Gong
  • Trauma, anxiety & depression in different constitution types
  • EFT and Acupressure Points
  • Dealing with traumatized people
  • Anxiety and Trauma from Western, TCM and Bon Buddhist Perspectives
  • Time for any questions

Training costs

The cost per training weekend is € 319. A portion of the educational contributions is donated to aid projects.

Upcoming dates

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General info

More information about Dr. Angela Montenegro at:

Please also see the frequently asked questions about my trainings.

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