Module 06

Yin Yoga, TCM & the 5 Elements - With guest lecturer Dr. Angela Montenegro

With guest lecturer Dr. Angela Montenegro (TCM doctor) After this module you will have a deeper understanding of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the 5 elements that play an important role in Yin Yoga. Through this background, you can optimally align your practice or teaching energetically.

Contents of the training

  • Four Yin Yoga Sequences Practice with Qi Gong Elements
  • Basic knowledge of TCM
  • Yin & Yang and the teaching of the 5 elements
  • The functions of the Yin & Yang organs
  • The substances of life: essence, qi, blood, body fluids
  • Causes of disease: internal and external pathogenic factors
  • Time for any questions

Training costs

The cost per training weekend is € 319. A portion of the educational contributions is donated to aid projects.

Upcoming dates

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General info

More information about Dr. Angela Montenegro at:

Please also see the frequently asked questions about my trainings.

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