I am very pleased to be able to offer a joint module with Dr. Robert Schleip as guest lecturer. This is a consolidation of module 3 “Yin Yoga & Fascia”. You will also need two silicone cuppers in the small or medium size (see below) for the Yin Yoga practice.
The cost per training weekend is € 319. A portion of the educational contributions is donated to aid projects.
pro AusbildungsmodulKeine Termine verfügbar?
Melde dich für meinen Newsletter an, um als Erste*r über neue Ausbildungs-Termine und exklusive Yin-Yoga-Inhalte informiert zu werden! Außerdem erhältst du zwei kostenlose Übungsvideos direkt in dein Postfach.
As cuppers/cups I recommend you the models from www.bellabambi.de, which I also use personally. They come in different sizes and intensities. If you enter the code “stefanie-arend”, you will receive a one-time 5% discount there.
(Advertising due to name recognition. I get a small commission for this recommendation, but you do not pay more for your purchase).
About Dr. Robert Schleip:
Robert Schleip (*1954 in Göppingen) is a human biologist and psychologist. His area of expertise is fascia research.
Robert Schleip graduated in psychology from the University of Heidelberg in 1980. Training as a Certified-Advanced-Rolfer followed in 1977-1983, and as a Feldenkrais teacher in 1984-1987.
In 2006, he received his PhD in human biology from the University of Ulm. His dissertation on active fascial contractility, evaluated summa cum laude, received the “Vladimir Janda Award for Musculoskeletal Medicine”.
Schleip was co-initiator of the first international fascia congress in 2007 at
Harvard Medical School in Boston (1st Fascia Research Congress), which was the breakthrough for modern fascia research, and subsequent congresses. He participated in the scientific committee for all events in this series.
Schleip has been director of the Fascia Research Group, Division of Neurophysiology at the University of Ulm since 2008.
Schleip was and is, together with the sports physician Prof. Jürgen Steinacker, the organizer of the event “CONNECT – Connective Tissue in Sports Medicine” in 2013 as well as in 2017.
He is also the Executive Director of Research for the European Rolfing Association, Vice President of the Ida P. Rolf Research Foundation, and a board member of the Fascia Research Society.
As a lecturer he gives lectures in the field of physiotherapy, orthopedics as well as exercise science.
He is the author and editor of professional publications on the subject of “fascia” and is present in the media on this subject.
More info about him on: https://www.somatics.de/
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