Module 03

Yin Yoga & Fascia

This is the most practical of the Yin Yoga modules. In addition to the extended Yin Yoga sequences and a comprehensive theory part, we will implement many rolling techniques with various tools to further support the effect on the fascial tissue. It can be booked independently of the other parts.

Contents of the training

  • 2 extended yin sequences practice
  • Explanation of the fascia system and the latest research findings from an international perspective.
  • Effect of Yin Yoga on the fascial system
  • Use of various techniques and tools to support healthy and supple fascia.
  • Yin Yoga and individual pain development
  • Yin Yoga and detoxification
  • Time for any questions

Training costs

The cost per training weekend is € 319. A portion of the educational contributions is donated to aid projects.

Upcoming dates

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General info

For this module you will need a fascia roller and two fascia balls (in a net if possible).

Please also see the frequently asked questions about my trainings.

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